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Enjoy Berwick Saga on PS2 with These ROM Download Links

PS2 Berwick Saga ROM Download: A Guide for Fans of Tactical RPGs

If you are a fan of tactical RPGs, you may have heard of Berwick Saga, a PlayStation 2 game that was released in Japan in 2005. Berwick Saga is the sequel to Tear Ring Saga, a PlayStation game that was created by Shouzou Kaga, the original creator of Fire Emblem. Both games are spiritual successors to the Fire Emblem series, featuring similar gameplay elements and themes. However, Berwick Saga also introduces many new features and innovations that make it stand out from other tactical RPGs. In this article, we will guide you through everything you need to know about Berwick Saga, including its story, gameplay, English patch, and emulation options. By the end of this article, you will be able to download and play this hidden gem on your device of choice.

ps2 berwick saga rom download

The Story and Setting of Berwick Saga

Berwick Saga takes place in a medieval fantasy world called Lazberia, where two rival kingdoms, Raze Empire and Veria Kingdom, are locked in a long-lasting war. You play as Reese, a young knight who serves as the leader of a mercenary group called The Knights of Chinon. Reese is hired by Dean, the prince of a small country called Narvia, which is allied with Veria. Reese's mission is to protect Narvia from the Raze invasion, as well as to investigate the mysterious events that are happening around Lazberia.

The story of Berwick Saga is divided into 15 chapters, each consisting of several scenarios that advance the plot. Along the way, you will meet many characters who will join your party or interact with you in various ways. Some of these characters have their own side stories that reveal more about their backgrounds and motivations. The game also features multiple endings, depending on your choices and actions throughout the game.

The Gameplay and Mechanics of Berwick Saga

Berwick Saga is a turn-based tactical RPG, where you control a group of characters on a grid-based map. Your goal is to complete the objectives of each scenario, which may involve defeating enemies, capturing locations, rescuing allies, or surviving for a certain number of turns. You can also explore towns, shops, taverns, and other locations between scenarios, where you can buy items, recruit new characters, accept side quests, or trigger events.

However, Berwick Saga also differs from other tactical RPGs in many ways. Here are some of the main features that make it unique:

The Combat System

In Berwick Saga, battles are not just about moving units and attacking enemies. There are many factors that affect the outcome of combat, such as:

  • Terrain: Different types of terrain have different effects on movement, defense, accuracy, evasion, etc. For example, forests provide cover, rivers slow down movement, bridges can be destroyed, etc.

  • Direction: The direction that units face matters a lot in combat. Attacking from behind or from the side gives an advantage over attacking from the front. Likewise, facing multiple enemies at once increases the risk of being attacked from different directions.

  • Weapon: Each unit can equip up to two weapons at a time, which can be switched during combat. Weapons have different attributes such as range, power, accuracy, durability, weight, etc. Some weapons also have special effects such as critical hits, poison damage, armor piercing, etc.

  • Shield: Each unit can also equip a shield that provides extra defense and evasion. Shields can also be used to block enemy attacks or counterattack with shield bash.

  • Horse: Some units can ride horses that increase their movement speed and range. However, horses also have their own health and stamina bars that need to be managed. Horses can also be injured or killed by enemy attacks or traps.

  • Support: Units that are adjacent to each other can provide support bonuses such as increased hit rate, damage reduction, morale boost, etc. Support bonuses depend on the relationship between units.

  • Skills: Each character has one or more skills that grant them special abilities or bonuses in combat. Some skills are innate, while others can be learned by leveling up or equipping certain items. Skills can have various effects, such as increasing hit rate, damage, critical rate, evasion, defense, etc., or allowing the use of certain weapons, magic, or commands.

As you can see, Berwick Saga's combat system is very deep and complex, requiring careful planning and strategy. You will need to consider many factors when choosing your units, weapons, positions, actions, and targets. You will also need to adapt to different situations and challenges that each scenario presents.

The Character System

Berwick Saga has a large cast of characters that you can recruit and use in your party. There are 26 playable characters in total, each with their own personality, background, appearance, stats, skills, and equipment. Some characters are available from the start, while others join later in the story or through side quests. You can have up to 10 characters in your party for each scenario.

Unlike other tactical RPGs, Berwick Saga does not have a fixed class system for its characters. Instead, each character has a unique growth rate for each stat and skill. Stats and skills increase randomly when a character levels up, depending on their growth rate and luck. Some characters also have the option to promote to a higher class when they reach a certain level, which grants them new skills and bonuses.

Another unique feature of Berwick Saga is that characters can equip different types of weapons and magic, depending on their skills and preferences. For example, Reese can use swords, lances, axes, bows, and light magic; Izerna can use staves and dark magic; Faye can use swords and blades; etc. Each weapon and magic type has its own rank that determines its power and accuracy. Characters can improve their weapon and magic ranks by using them in combat or by training in towns.

Characters can also equip various items that enhance their abilities or provide special effects. For example, shields increase defense and evasion; accessories grant skills or bonuses; mounts increase movement and range; etc. Items have durability that decreases with use and can be repaired or bought in towns.

The Side Quests and Events

Berwick Saga offers many side quests and events that you can complete between the main scenarios. Side quests are optional missions that you can accept from townspeople or other characters. They usually involve tasks such as delivering items, escorting people, hunting monsters, etc. Completing side quests rewards you with money, items, experience points, or new characters.

Events are scenes that occur when you visit certain locations or talk to certain characters. They usually reveal more about the story or the characters' personalities and relationships. Some events also affect the gameplay or the outcome of the story. For example, some events may unlock new scenarios or side quests; some events may change the allegiance or status of certain characters; some events may trigger battles or ambushes; etc.

Side quests and events add more depth and variety to Berwick Saga's gameplay and story. They allow you to explore the world of Lazberia more fully and learn more about its history and culture. They also allow you to interact with your characters more closely and develop their bonds and friendships.

The English Patch for Berwick Saga

Berwick Saga was never officially released outside Japan, so if you want to play it in English, you will need to download and apply a fan-made translation patch. The patch was created by a team of dedicated fans led by Aethin , who also translated Tear Ring Saga . The patch translates all the text in the game into English, including menus, dialogue, descriptions, names, etc.

Alternatively, you can download a pre-patched ISO file from this link , which was uploaded by Rhep , one of the patch testers. However, please note that this file may not be updated to the latest version of the patch, so you may encounter some bugs or errors that have been fixed in later releases.

To apply the patch to the original ISO file, you will need a program called xdeltaUI , which you can download from here . You will also need to extract the patch file from the ZIP archive that you downloaded from the link above. Then, follow these steps:

  • Open xdeltaUI and click on the "Open" button next to "Patch". Browse to the location where you extracted the patch file and select it.

  • Click on the "Open" button next to "Source File". Browse to the location where you have the original Japanese ISO file and select it.

  • Click on the "..." button next to "Output File". Choose a location and a name for the patched ISO file.

  • Click on the "Patch" button and wait for the process to finish. You should see a message saying "Successfully patched!" when it's done.

Congratulations! You have successfully patched Berwick Saga into English. You can now play it on your PS2 console using a modchip or a swap disc, or on your PC or mobile device using an emulator.

The Patching Process

The patching process is very simple and straightforward, as explained above. However, there are some things that you should keep in mind before and after patching:

  • Make sure that you have a backup copy of your original Japanese ISO file, in case something goes wrong or you want to play the game in Japanese again.

  • Make sure that your original Japanese ISO file has a CRC32 checksum of 2045F6B1 . You can check this using a program like HashTab or WinMD5 . If your ISO file has a different checksum, it means that it is corrupted or modified, and it may not work with the patch.

  • Make sure that you have enough free space on your hard drive for both the original and patched ISO files. The original ISO file is about 1.4 GB, while the patched ISO file is about 1.6 GB.

  • Do not rename or move your original or patched ISO files after patching, as this may cause problems with saving or loading your game data.

  • If you encounter any bugs or errors while playing the patched game, please report them to Aethin on Serenes Forest Forums , where he posts updates and fixes for the patch. You can also find more information and resources about Berwick Saga there.

The Patch Features and Quality

The patch translates all the text in Berwick Saga into English, including menus, dialogue, descriptions, names, etc. It also fixes some typos and errors that were present in the original Japanese version. The patch aims to provide a faithful and accurate translation of Berwick Saga, while also making it readable and enjoyable for English-speaking players.

The patch is based on the Chinese fan translation of Berwick Saga , which was released in 2010 by a group called FE-CHINA . However, Aethin did not simply copy and paste their translation, but rather used it as a reference and checked it against the original Japanese text. He also made many changes and improvements to their translation, such as fixing mistranslations, adding missing text, rephrasing awkward sentences, etc.

The patch also features some optional enhancements that are not part of the original game, such as:

  • A custom font that is more legible and aesthetically pleasing than the default one.

  • An option to display numbers with commas for easier reading (e.g. 1,000 instead of 1000).

  • An option to display enemy stats during combat forecast (can be toggled on/off with L1 button).

  • An option to display enemy movement range during player phase (can be toggled on/off with R1 button).

  • An option to skip battle animations by pressing Start button (can be enabled/disabled in options menu).

The patch is very high-quality and polished, thanks to Aethin's hard work and dedication, as well as the feedback and testing from other fans. It is currently at version 2.3 , which was released on January 23rd, 2021. This version fixes some minor bugs and typos that were reported by players. Aethin plans to release more updates and fixes in the future, if needed.

The Patch Credits and Sources

The patch was created by a team of dedicated fans led by Aethin , who also translated Tear Ring Saga . The team consists of:

  • Aethin : Main translator and project leader.

  • Lightgazer : Main programmer and tool developer.

  • Rhep : Tester and video uploader.

  • Deltre : Tester and video uploader.

  • Lord Raven : Tester and video uploader.

  • Aggro Incarnate : Tester and video uploader.

  • RetroGamer : Tester.

The team would like to thank:

  • FE-CHINA : For their Chinese fan translation of Berwick Saga , which served as a reference and a base for this patch.

  • Serenes Forest Forums : For their support and feedback for this project.

  • All Berwick Saga fans : For their interest and appreciation for this game and this patch.

If you want to find more information and resources about Berwick Saga , you can visit these links:

  • Serenes Forest Forums : The main hub for discussion and updates about Berwick Saga and this patch.

  • Berwick Saga Wiki : A wiki dedicated to Berwick Saga , with information about characters, items, skills, etc.

  • Berwick Saga EmblemWiki : Another wiki dedicated to Berwick Saga , with more detailed information about mechanics, formulas, etc.

The Emulation Options for Berwick Saga

If you don't have a PS2 console or a modchip or a swap disc, you can still play Berwick Saga on your PC or mobile device using an emulator. An emulator is a program that simulates the hardware and software of another system, allowing you to run games from that system on your device. There are many emulators available for PS2 games, but we will recommend some of the best ones for Berwick Saga .

The Recommended Emulators

For PC users, we recommend using PCSX2, which is one of the most popular and reliable PS2 emulators. It has many features and options that allow you to customize your emulation experience, such as increasing resolution, enhancing graphics, applying cheats, saving states, etc. It also has good compatibility with most PS2 games, including Berwick Saga . You can download PCSX2 from here .

For Android users, we recommend using DamonPS2 or Play!, which are two of the best PS2 emulators for Android devices. DamonPS2 is a paid app that claims to be the fastest and most compatible PS2 emulator on Android. It has many features and options that allow you to customize your emulation experience, such as increasing resolution, enhancing graphics, applying cheats, saving states, etc. It also supports a wide range of PS2 games, including Berwick Saga . You can download DamonPS2 from here .

Play! is a free app that is still in development, but it has made great progress in recent years. It has a simple and user-friendly interface that lets you easily load and play your PS2 games. It also supports some features and options that allow you to improve your emulation experience, such as adjusting resolution, changing controller layout, saving states, etc. It also has decent compatibility with PS2 games, including Berwick Saga . You can download Play! from here .

The Emulator Settings and Tips

Once you have downloaded and installed your preferred emulator, you will need to configure it to run Berwick Saga properly. Here are some general settings and tips that you should follow:

  • Make sure that you have a BIOS file for your emulator. A BIOS file is a system file that is required for PS2 emulation. You can find it online by searching for it on Google or other search engines. Alternatively, you can dump it from your own PS2 console using a program like PS2dumper . Once you have the BIOS file, you will need to place it in the appropriate folder for your emulator.

  • Make sure that you have the patched ISO file for Berwick Saga . You can either patch it yourself using the instructions above, or download a pre-patched ISO file from this link . Once you have the ISO file, you will need to place it in a folder that is accessible by your emulator.

  • Make sure that you have a controller or a gamepad for your device. Playing PS2 games with touch controls can be very frustrating and uncomfortable. You can either use a Bluetooth controller that is compatible with your device, or use an OTG cable to connect a USB controller to your device.

  • Make sure that you adjust the graphics settings according to your device's capabilities. PS2 emulation can be very demanding on your device's CPU and GPU, so you may need to lower the resolution, frame rate, or other graphics options to achieve smooth performance. You can also enable or disable some graphics enhancements such as anti-aliasing, texture filtering, shaders, etc., depending on your preference.

  • Make sure that you save your game frequently using save states or in-game saves. PS2 emulation can be unstable at times, and you may encounter crashes or glitches that may ruin your progress. To avoid losing your data, you should save your game often using the save state feature of your emulator, or by using the in-game save option when available.

The Emulator Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues or errors while playing Berwick Saga on your emulator, here are some possible solutions:

  • If the game does not load or crashes at startup, make sure that you have the correct BIOS file and ISO file for your emulator. Also make sure that they are not corrupted or modified in any way.

  • If the game runs slowly or lags, make sure that your device meets the minimum requirements for PS2 emulation. Also make sure that you adjust the graphics settings according to your device's capabilities.

  • If the game has graphical glitches or artifacts, make sure that you update your emulator to the latest version. Also make sure that you try different graphics settings or renderers (OpenGL or Vulkan) to see if they fix the problem.

  • If the game has audio issues or distortion, make sure that you update your emulator to the latest version. Also make sure that you try different audio settings or plugins to see if they fix the problem.

  • If the game has input issues or lag, make sure that you update your emulator to the latest version. Also make sure that you try different input settings or devices to see if they fix the problem.


Berwick Saga is a great tactical RPG that deserves more attention and recognition from fans of the genre. It offers a deep and complex gameplay system that challenges and rewards strategic thinking and planning. It also offers a rich and engaging story that features many characters and events that will keep you hooked until the end.

Thanks to the fan-made translation patch by Aethin and his team, you can now enjoy this hidden gem in English on your PS2 console or on your PC or mobile device using an emulator. The patch is very high-quality and polished, translating all the text in the game into English and fixi


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